Salam sejahtera,

Blog ini merupakan suatu blog matlumat dan penerangan mengenai infertiliti atau ketidaksuburan. Terdapat banyak matlumat-matlumat sama yang anda boleh perolehi di halaman web lain. Malah bagi tujuan ini, saya telah sertakan pautan-pautan yang anda boleh layari.

Tetapi adalah menjadi harapan saya supaya anda boleh berinteraksi dengan memberi pendapat mengenai sebarang matlumat yang anda perolehi dari blog ini serta berkongsi pengalaman anda masa lalu. Dengan berlakunya pertukaran pengalaman dan pendapat, sudah pastilah ia akan dapat membantu saya dan pasangan lain kelak.

Bagi pasangan suami isteri yang mempunyai anak tanpa sebarang masalah ianya begitu mengembirakan, tetapi terdapat 1 dalam 7 pasangan yang akan menghadapi masalah ketidaksuburan. Apabila ia terjadi, ia akan menjadi satu tamparan kepada pasangan suami isteri yang terlibat.

Adalah sangat penting untuk anda mendapat matlumat yang tepat supaya doktor pakar dapat menentukan rawatan yang sesuai untuk anda. Di harap blog ini dapat membantu.

Walaubagaimanapun anda perlu diingatkan bahawa matlumat di blog ini hanya sekadar membantu anda sahaja. Anda perlu merujuk kepada doktor pakar untuk merawat anda.

Selamat melayari blog ini.

Dr Suhaimi Hassan MD(UKM) MRCOG, MRCP
Pakar Perunding Ginekologi & Perubatan Reproduksi,
Centre for Assisted Reproduction,
United Kingdom


Myth: Selalunya pasangan wanita sahaja yang menghadapi masalah infertiliti
Fakta: Bagi pasangan yang mempunyai masalah infertiliti, 40% masalah adalah disebabkan faktor lelaki dan wanita bersama dan ada sebahagianya tidak diketahui punca sebenar.Tidak kira apapun puncanya, pasangan tidak perlu menyalahkan antara satu sama lain dan perlu menghadapi bersama.

Myth: Rawatan IVF/ICSI hanya untuk pasangan yang mempunyai masalah ketidaksuburan.
Fakta: Rawtan IVF/ICSI juga digunakan oleh pasangan normal yang tidak mempunyai masalah ketidaksuburan. Antaranya bagi mereka yang mempunyai penyakit keturunan seperti thalassemia melalui proses preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

Myth: Anda gagal sebagai wanita kerana tidak boleh mendapatkan zuriat.
Fakta: Mendapat zuriat tidak bermakna sesaorang itu berjaya dalam hidup dan sebaliknya tidak bermakna pasangan wanita gagal jika tiada zuriat. ANDA PELU MENGHAYATI FAKTA INI.

Myth: Men are less upset by infertility than women
Fact : Big boys dont cry! Men often show less emotion.
Don't make mistake of thinking that men with fertility
problems are not experiencing the same upsetting
emotions that women are.


HANYA SATU SPERMA DAN TELUR DIPERLUKAN UNTUK DISATUKAN MENJADI ZURIAT.....tetapi ia amat sukar bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah!

Kelahiran Louise Brown melalui proses Persenyawaan Luar Rahim (IVF) pada 1987 telah membuka lembaran baru dalam dunia perubatan reproduksi. Sejak itu teknik teknik rawatan reproduksi telah berkembang dengan begitu pesat sekali. Ini diikuti dengan teknik rawatan Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) pada tahun 1992 di Belgium bagi pasangan lelaki yang punyai masalah sperma.

Diakhir tahun 90han pula teknik Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) mula berkembang di Britain untuk mengesan dan merawat pasangan yang mempunyai penyakit keturunan.

Dan akhir sekali pada awal tahun 2000 di Denmark dan Canada, rawatan In Vitro Maturation (IVM) yang berpotensi untuk memberi rawatan reproduksi yang lebih selamat dan murah mula diperkenalkan. Walaubagaimanapun teknik ini masih baru dan memerlukan penyelidikan yang lebih lanjut.

Pada awal tahun 2007, Louise Brown pula menjadi ibu tanpa sebarang rawatan. Ini juga membuktikan bahawa rawatan teknologi reproduksi berpotensi untuk memberi kesinambungan zuriat antara generasi.......

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

(FOR DOCTORS) Sperm Freezing Preserves Male Fertility In Cancer Patients

Source: Journal of Fertility and Sterility Jan 2008

Assessing the use rate and assisted reproductive technology outcomes of cryopreserved semen from male cancer patients.

Researchers believe that semen cryopreservation (SCP) is a viable option for preserving fertility among men who have undergone cancer treatment.

N. Casteren (University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and team assessed the assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes of 557 male cancer patients who underwent SCP. The men were then followed-up for an average of 7 years.

Following cancer treatment, 218 (39 percent) of the men returned for semen analysis. Motile cryopreserved sperm were observed in 71.1 percent of samples. In all, 42 (13.3 percent) men requested the use of banked sperm and 29 (7.5 percent) requested its disposal.

Among the 37 men who underwent 101 ART cycles, around 54 percent achieved a successful pregnancy. Clinical pregnancy rates were 30.1, 25.0, 22.2, and 14.3 percent following IVF, ICSI, frozen embryo transfer, and intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatments, respectively.
Women who underwent IVF treatment using cryopreserved sperm also had over twice the number of active pregnancies per number of embryo's transferred compared with the other three treatments. ICSI live birth rates were also 54 percent higher than those for frozen embryo transfer and IUI and 28 percent higher compared with IVF treatments.

No correlation was observed between the SCP storage time and pregnancy rates, the researchers note.

"We strongly recommend discussing SCP with all men at risk of becoming infertile after receiving gonadotoxic treatment," conclude Casteren et al.


It is my believe that it is good medical practice to cryopreserve sperms prior to gonadotoxic treatment. It is my practice to offer sperms cryopreservation at diagnosis for all patients in whom fertility will be an issue. It is difficult to predict how much sperms would be affected by chemotherapy which can be from azoospermia to moderate or severe oligozoospermia. However data on effect of gonadotoxic treatment on successful pregnancy outcome is limited.

Although chemotherapy does have the potential to damage the sperm DNA, Arnon et al, in their review in Human Reproduction Update 2001, vol 7, page394-403, note that they did not find any increase in genetic defects or congenital malformations in children conceived to parents who has previously undergone chemotherapy. This has been further reinforced by a review by Meirow and Schiff (2005) who noted that there was no increase in miscarriage or congenital abnormalities in children born to parents sometime after their chemotherapy has been completed. Usually my advice to patients undergoing chemotherapy is that they should avoid pregnancy for duration of chemotherapy and for 12 months afterward. (This duration is just arbitrary and merely a personal opinion)

Also there is no difference in success rate for pregnancy outcome using either fresh or cryopreseved sperms. The biggest review I could find in the literature was published by Schmidt et al (2004), who followed up 67 couples who were having assisted reproduction following the treatment of the male partner for either a testicular tumour or a lymphoma. They reported the use of cryopreserved sperms in 58% of couples and did not notice any significant difference in the success of the delivery rate between fresh or cryopreseved sperms.

In summarry, although chemotherapy would have theoretically caused some degree of damage to sperm DNA, it appears that if pregnancy is delayed until the year after completeing chemotherapy, then it's outcome is not specifically affected. One of the greatest advantage for sperms cryopreservation is that it can be used as backup if men become azoospermic following chemotherapy.

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